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JSK Workshop Flash Games
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Date : 2011-10Size : 25 M
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This is a pack of 4 games from JSK Workshop where you have to battle different women to have sex with them. There are RPG elements that let you build your stats and s*s to make it easier to defeat them - you get points for every playthrough, even if you lose. There's a ton of positions that you can unlock and different endings depending on how you win battles and how you ask/answer questions. Check the ULM forums for guides and text hook translations if you need them. If you want to skip to the naughty bits a flash decompiler should work for you.
Games Included & Pics:
Kakuto imoto ~ aniki, ore to shobu shiro!~

Defeat the Devil Girl!

Ore ~tsu musume hokaku kanryo!

Vampire Hunter N

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